Thursday, August 05, 2010


Dont know if this is happening just because I am in a very different mood altogether, but recently there have been incidences that kinda shuffled my opinions abt some people around me.

I am not the kind of person who forms opinions about anyone, very fast. Giving time to know a person is what I usually do, and I can totally justify that after experiencing quite a good number of mis-judgements by myself as well as close ones.
Of-course, there is a huge part of the 'instinct' that goes into forming a first impression - but that should not be the only base to form a long lasting opinion about a person.

It just happens sometimes that you have known a person over a long period of time, say couple of years or so. You think you have a fair idea about behaviour/ tastes etc etc.. but BAM ! One day, you get to see a totally different side of him/her, which kinda shakes you inside out. Not in a good or bad way, but just makes you realize how a person evolves all in itself - if taken positively Or many would easily brand that person as unpredictable !

This kinda makes me feel how we take things for granted so easily. I mean we 'think' we know a certain person, and we tend to mutually adjust with eachother on smallest of things. And all of it just crashes down in that very brief moment of revelation..

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