Sunday, December 12, 2010


Too much that you want to change in me,
colour me as you wish, mold me the way you want me to be.
Take my word - it wont stick, will all wash out,
drop by drop, down the drain without a doubt..

wish I could change your point of view,
force those notions aside n try be in my shoes..
make you stand in for me, take it on like I do,
feel first-hand 'me' you never knew..

forcing you to swap places,

But no.. i wont do that.
'cos in futile effort to make you understand,
blindly I just might don your hat !

i shall let it pass, leaving with you no choice,
as you cant just ignore me, for whatever i've got..
i wont change, and you got nothing..
but to love me or hate me, for everythin' that i'm not.

The wind blows..

The wind blows..

Over the harsh times - reminding how I fought them out..
and over the good ones.. yet not letting me bask in the warmth..

Bringin back memories - good and bad, but drifts them away..
Not letting them linger too long, reminding me to just move on ahead..

They say its part of life - the crests and troughs, highs and lows..
easy to say, but hard it gets when you gotta face the blows..

Leaving behind the rough road that was traveled upon,
blowing the dust off my face, pushing me to just tread on..

As the blast of the air tries to overpower my will,
unaware that i am prepared for the climb uphill..

I keep walking, my goal in my sight..
the wind still blows, with all its might..

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

I wonder..

I wonder who'd come along with me..To explore this life into its depth,
'the perfect one' - I wonder who 'the one' will be..
As eager and anxious as I am, to take that leap of faith.. :)