Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Aftermath : where are we headed ?

So today, the political cleansing is finished with Maharashtra CM's resignation being accepted by congress working committee. First, the Home Minister of India then Home minister for Maharashtra, and now the CM himself.
Great - ain't it ??

The main reason given for it : CM took his son along with ramgopal verma to visit Taj. Damn.. isn't the attacks itself a bigger reason ??

After 10 people from another country get into a financial capital of our country and create major havoc, killing more than 200 people ( i DO NOT believe any official figures for that matter ), injuring more than 500, damaging one of the beautiful structures of all times to a great extent - what we get as an immediate response, is resignations of the people who should be shot in their balls ASAP.

W O W !

What will happen to the people from Intelligence bureau/ Police/ Army intelligence who daftly ignored whatever information they had abt the attacks ? I am sure there will be intra-department inquiries set upon them ( which will go on forever, and results unknown to public - if there be any ), further demolishing whatever career they have and blotting the 'reputation' of the force..

And look at the dearest politicians - they resign from their post taking up moral responsibility - and Voila ! they go scott-free, to contest for the same post in next elections for another term at power. And I have to admit with a heavy heart that, it is us to elect them again and again to power.

Why, I ask, these guys should not be tried in the court of justice for their mistakes ? Why shouldn't there be an inquiry set upon them by common people ? As a democratic country, it is our right to have the leaders answer our questions, and bear the wrath if we think they are wrong. Why not make these buggers who have gotten away with just their resignations face the real consequences ??

Actually, I feel these reignations because of the moral responsibilities is nothing but a way to run away from the situation, and not having the guts to face it and fight it back. And to top it off, once the resignation's accepted, these guys are free to say that they were not given enough time.
WTF ??

As a 25 year old adult, I feel its my duty to see that I don't vote for any tom, dick and harry the coming election. At the same time, its my duty to see taht the same old tom/ dick/ harry for whom i voted last year, knows the reason i am not voting for him again - All this in the hope that the younger breed of politicos learns from the shit these guys have created !!

Another question to which i can find no answer and see no hope to find one.
The "media" .. we have reached a level where the media - especially TV channels - has started thinking of itself as a Judiciary system in itself - Thus the vague commenting on each and every situation and passing judgments of left, right & centre, without much of a thought.

We really do not need media to comment on What's going on. We need it only to report What's going on, Period

Oh Last but not the least.

Dear ol' deputy CM and home minister of Maharashtra. R R Aaba ( आर आर आबा ) as he's fondly called by the 'media', You have been a wonderful speaker.
Thanks for the statement regarding the 26/11 incident being small.
It must have been a small incident for you as you were always surrounded by your regular set of 20 whatever security guards 24x7x365, but definitely not for the people who took bullets in various parts of their bodies and died.

Dear good ol' Pawar saheb - calling for and accepting the resignation of the dy. CM after 2 days of the incident was really a swift action from you. Thanks for that !

BTW, trying to save R R aaba's skin by saying that he had resigned immediately after the incident, while he himself gave a statement that there's no question of him resigning .. whose idea was it anyway ? a very bad one at that.. do you people think that there's even a tiny spec of credibility left with you so that we will trust your statements ?? tut.. tut.. NO WAY !!

Disclaimer : These are my personal views. I stand by them and believe them fully. And I dont think people from my age group would differ with my opinions/ views expressed here.
If you have read it till here, Thanks a lot !

PS: Something for the party that i had believed in.
Dear Thackerays - its high time to stop taking credit for saving mumbai. Please.