Now, crows - as we know - are very cunning and keen observers. Somehow one of the hundreds that dwell around my house, spotted this bird carry the delicious lunch ;)... and followed it with his own gang of croaks..
when i spotted it, there were about 4 crows surrounding the shikra and trying to snatch the meal away. Shikra kept holding on and on.. And then, out of a dark corner of our neighbour's storage shed, a cat appeared. This cat - must've been starved for a day - set its eyes on the pigeon and sat rt beneath the branch where the protagonist of all this drama was perching.
As always, i went clicking at the shikra as well as the cat.. till the shikra got bored of me and flew away with the catch ( i just hope he defended his meal successfully )
few more pics of the same drama :
the hopefuls :

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