Come November, and a fresh, new year stares down at you..
At the wake of 2009, i better begin to post a few of my favourite clicks from 2008, thus the name : Photoblog 2008 1.0
i have been making it a point to cover vast and vague subjects in my photos.. though the primary subjects have always been Automobiles and Wildlife. Its just natural that you'll get to see lot of these in here..
oh and btw, Almost all of these pics are posted on my Orkut album/ Flickr album, but i dont think its any harm to post 'em up here too :D
Some Dragonflies on site :
Love the way its wings have turned out :

My favourite : Perched !

Hide and Seek ??

Whatchya lookin' at, Punk ??

As i said earlier, widening the scope of my photography :
Fireworks on LaxmiPujan


But back to my most loved subject : Cars !
Exuding Elegance..

Watch this space. More later...